Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Great Expectation: Designing Miss Havisham

  • No Wrinkles
  • Pale Foundation
  • Yellow Tinted Contouring
  • Pale Lips
  • Heavy Eyebags
  • Messed Eyebrows (Greying)
  • Veins

For this look, I explored the idea of not aging Miss Havisham, seeing if I could just use shading and highlights to create just as an effective look as that of using latex to enhance wrinkles. To add more detail I included veins at the side of the head near the eyes, a sign of stress and decaying. Although I like the colours and shading I included, I do think it lacks without more manipulation of the face to create a more aged look, so I have decided against this look for reasons I think are very obvious.

  • Aging Stipple (Mostly around eyes)
  • Pale Foundation
  • Yellow Tinted Contouring
  • Pale Lips
  • Heavy Eyebags
  • Messed Eyebrows (Greying)
  • Chapped Lips

I am very much happier with this makeup design, the aging stipple helps give the edge to the look which makes it look like that of Miss Havisham, the stipple will make her look more decayed and almost dead-like as describing in her first appearance of the novel. I am happy with this look, it will most likely become my final idea provided I practice the techniques required to get the best effect possible. In the design I only coloured half the image, this is so I know which areas wll need the most aging whilst applying the makeup, giving myself a more instructive template to work from.

Having chosen the makeup design I moved my sights to designing the hair.

This image was a quick sketch of how I envision the hairstyle Miss Havisham will have had on the day of her failed wedding ceremony. I felt it was important to design this before settling on her styling in the time period in the story, knowing the base of the original design means I can work from it to then break down as it would have throughout the years, considering hair growth, sleeping and any other conditions the hair may have gone under during the years between.

For this sketch, it broke the hair style down more, showing the effects of environmental issues it will have under-gone, excluding the idea of growth, only being the next stage of her hair style from that of her wedding day, I think this is a good next step in the development of my hair styling and for my final look shall include the effects of grow and age on the hair also, but from these two sketches I feel as though I am on to a good idea and style for my final look. I am confident I will create a good final design for the hair and makeup, and then shall successfully tranlate it onto my model to create my own interpretation of Miss Havisham.

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